Some chemicals, particularly sulfuric acid, may interact with any remaining water, generating heat and potentially melting or otherwise deforming your tank.
When entering the tank, make sure to clean the inside thoroughly, and use an oxygen concentration meter to confirm that oxygen levels are safe. Make sure someone is present to watch over the person in the tank at all times.
Do not stand on top of tanks containing chemicals. If you must stand on top of a tank for any reason, please take into consideration potential degradation due to aging as well as the chemical properties of the substances stored within the tank. Also, make sure to wear a safety harness and take any other necessary safety measures to prevent falling when on the tank, and assign someone to watch over the person on the tank at all times. In particular, 3,000 liter-sized tanks and smaller were not designed for a person to stand on top. Doing so can cause damage to the tank's nozzles due to deforming the top of the tank.
It is especially important to take special care with cleaning tanks that will be used as food-related items.
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